Website Traffic

Let me tell you that you should develop a habit of reading blogs or books about which you are interested to blog about. And please i advise you should always read a complete article because there must be something in the mind of it's author for which he have written that. So to be a good post Writer first be a complete post Reader.
7 ways to get more traffic for your blog.
Every Blogger have a dream of getting more traffic on his blog. Usually bloggers spend a lot of their time searching on google about how they can find a way out for getting more traffic for them. Actually when an year back when i started to blog i also did the same thing. I had a Habit of reading and then after reading many articles and posts i found some of the very common things that increase your blog's Traffic thru a huge amount.
Blogging demands time. I have seen many such bloggers who blogged for months and months but didn't get any Success, so they made up their mind to leave blogging. But Blogging is a work that needs time as i said earlier. The best line that i remember talking about it is:
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
No matter if you are slow you should be steady, you should never make up mind of leaving just after efforts of months. I say that the real result you will see after 3 Google PR(Page Rank) Updates. Which mean about 7-8 months or so.
I say you should see the all time stats of your blog and there when you see the graph rising you will definitely feel to work more for it and then this will give you more of encouragement and this will and this will definitely work if you are working hard for your blog right from the depth of your Heart.
Many successful bloggers who are now the top ones say that they were able only to grab a few thousand views per month at the start. Same is Happening with you friends keep your blog updated and you will also make wonders.
Now Comes The Main Point that how can you get more Traffic to your Blogs.
How to get more more traffic to your Website or Blog
The Main Thing that i found that will increase your page-views is the quality of your content. The first thing that matters even if you don't write good is that your article or post must not be copied. Because whenever you copy a post then you don't know what it actually is, and then it becomes something that is not desirable. You become un-attached to your blog and a gap between you and your blog hereby develops. Of course for those who start blogging in the near past they think that copying and pasting anyone other's work save their time but dont you think that if the owner files a DMCA complaint against you then your dream will be ruined. And History says that no Content copier have ever been a good Blogger. It have another positive effect that when you yourself write an article then you know every detailed bit of it and can visualise it, Because Understanding and visualising your work is much easy then doing that with anyone eleses one.
Your posts should contain the traditional content of the topic and parallel to it, Your post should contain your ideas that will make it different from other's Posts.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Second Thing That will make you get more Traffic is Your SEO or the Search Engine Optimization, which basically means how you optimize your posts to make them more friendlily with search engines and make them more visible more often in the engine's search queries.
Keyword Research
Now when you have quality content what you need to do is the keyword research. Here you should search for the keywords that are searched by the search engine and then select or choose some of them for your post. For this you can use The Google Web-masters Tool to find out Keywords that suite you for more searches and the less competition ones. Then you need them to be used as the headings or used under the Title tags of your blogger posts.Using them here increases the weight of your post and increases the chance of it to be located in the Search Engines.
The another thing that you need to do with your keywords is that include them in your ost with a density higher then any other word for instance the keywords or title should contribute 1 to 3 percent composition of the same keywords and i prefer it to be used 1.5% times. and This matters a lot.
Meta Content

Meta content is what the search engines see in your posts and then on behalf of that they include your posts in it's search results. Meta content is not Displayed on your posts but it is what on which the search engine bots crawl to check your content. Some of the bloggers think that giving a deep description in meta will be a good way to get more of your search results but it's absolutely wrong. Meta content should not exceed more then 150 characters because further it becomes inconvenient for bots to include your Post. Now it becomes your duty how to manipulate it accordingly like
how to get more traffic to your blog
instead of it you can use-
more traffic on blogs
Also remember to use your Keywords in The meta Content.
instead of it i would prefer
This is just Because It Will be Evergreen.
You should have a sitemap of your blog for sure because this is the page where the search engine searches for the content on your Blog. For Creating XML sitemaps either you can use your skill of Programming or you can take the Help of Websites that help you create XML sitemaps online quickly and then you can Submit it to Search Engines.
This is a Thing that You must do.
This is a file that allow search engine spiders crawl over your website and include you in the Searches. Check of your robots are enabled or not. Because this can be very dangerous for you if without proper knowledge you play with the robots files.
ANAND · 349 weeks ago